Monday, October 26, 2009

I am thwarted...

Apparently the gods were not with me this week. Did I forget to make a crucial sacrifice? A magnum of champagne and a celluloid necklace to the goddess Filmenetta? Or maybe just a gram of coke and a sloppy kiss to that naughty old satyr, Bacchus Cinematicus?

Either way, The Sound of Music did not get watched this week. And it was not for lack of trying. We knew we were going to be busy Tuesday night. And even though my darling husband was reluctant to watch one of my favorite movies with me, I knew I could sneak it in somewhere. Wrong!!! We are working on a writing project with our writing partner, and all of a sudden, we have a deadline! Very exciting, but also very harrowing, considering it is barreling towards us at an alarming speed and my husband and I both work 40 hours a week. So we worked every night, and most of Friday (of which we had off). The deadline was met, but the movie remained unwatched.

Undaunted, I packed our copy of The Sound of Music into our weekend bag. We went to visit my parents in Orlando and to go to EPCOT and the Food and Wine Festival. We spent most of Saturday watching the Gophers lose spectacularly to Ohio State, and me sitting on the floor making a glorious mess with paper and rubber cement. (I'll post about that some other day in the future.) In the evening we went to EPCOT and sampled lots of goodies from around the world: spanikopta from Greece; a pint of Strongbow cider from England; kefta and falafel from Morocco; spicy tuna roll and sake from Japan; and some outstanding crawfish etoufee and praline bread pudding from the U.S. (Louisiana had the spotlight this year.) I found out I am not a fan of sake. When we got home we watched the Gators vs. Mississippi State that we tivo'd so my darling husband wouldn't have to miss his precious football. Gators are still undefeated, which is quite impressive. Too bad they're not my alma mater. Gophers don't often strike fear in the hearts of their opponents. In real life or in football.

Sunday morning, I was all prepared to watch the movie. I took the movie out of the bag and ambushed everyone with it. And then to my horror I opened the case to find only the second disc inside! Where was disc #1? I have to admit that we got the movie from the donation bin at the library and had not checked it, a mistake I will surely never make again! I sat there and fumed for about fifteen minutes, and then announced that I was going to Best Buy to buy the stupid movie. It was almost 10 in the morning by that time, and we had to start it soon because we were due to go out to brunch at 1. The Sound of Music is is a loooong movie.

Kosta said he would come with me, so we got dressed, got in the car, and drove the blessedly short distance to Best Buy. It was a few minutes before 10 and they weren't open, so we swung over to the grocery store to pick up essentials. When we got back to Best Buy, it was 10:01 and the parking lot was still very empty. That's when I saw they hours on the door. Monday - Saturday they open at 10... Sundays at 11.

I threw a little tantrum in the parking lot. Just a little one.

Then we went home and watched the Vikings lose a heartbreakingly close one to the Steelers. Yes, my weekend was full of football and nary a Von Trapp.

This morning (Monday) I decided we would watch it tonight. When I got to work I went to check it in the catalog. I work at the biggest branch (collection-wise) in the county. So naturally, we don't own a copy. Naturally.

Shall I try to purchase a copy of said film at lunch?? For once there isn't a Monday night football matchup my husband cares to watch. Will the gods bitch-slap me down again?

Stay tuned to learn if our hapless heroine gets her Austrian groove on this evening.


abbfla66 said...

Football is much more important.

Michelle Tweedy said...

how is it that your mother does not own a copy of that movie???

Anna said...

I know, she has disappointed me terribly...